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went for the 4th show in Vegas, is Celine Dior Concert... her voice is still as good and the dances are beautifully planned too. she ended the show with the 'TITANIC' theme song ,"MY HEART WILL GO ON." is so great hearing it live...WOW!
is 0153 in Las Vegas
- eGG -

seen Le Reve... is wonderful! is like circus combine with water acrobatics and dance.
i really cant describe it but im lovin it, theres laughter and excitement during the whole show. their stage are amazing too! i wanna see it again!!!
is 1208am in Las Vegas
- eGG -

watched the PHANTOM OF THE OPERA just 1hr ago.Is was GREAT! the lighting and stage effect were specially designed and built just for it. the casts was excellent too. great that i didnt miss itheard that is showing in Singapore on March 2007, but i bet it wouldnt be as great as 1247am in Las Vegas- eGG -

went DAVID COPPERFIELD magic show, is was great! i enjoyed it very much like the us who had watched. he was my IDOL during my childhood where i can only catch him on the TV show. now i have met him in real!he had grown abit in size and more wrinkles on his face but nevertheless still entertaining and humorous as before. i wouldnt mind watching it again!is 247am in Las Vegas- eGG -

going to spend few days in this beautiful and eye-opening place was wonderful! well treated as V.I.Ps in this grand hotel was never i have imagine. staying in penthouse on the highest floor of the hotel with special V.I.P lounge at the same floor(36th) was great experience for me, as this is my 1st time!every hotel has their own theme and unique style, is so attractive, i love it!below is the link of the Hotel i stay in 925pm in Las Vegas - eGG -

living in California for few days, kinda fall in love with this place. the life here is so relaxing and stressless compared to Singapore. The people here are nice and friendly too...
night starts early here around 530pm, somehow reminded me that the days are short. gotta make full use of every minutes and seconds.
looking out of the window, dark clouds covering part of the sky seem like is going to rain any minute. is going to be colder tonight i guess, hopes it doesnt get too 432pm in Irvine, California- eGG -

Went Universal Studio,Hollywood today. Is cold but is great cos there no sweat! Get to see those BIG productions behind the scenes. Took some adventure rides and 3-D shows. A great experience for me and i gain lots of knowledge from this trip. Got lots inspiration and ideas too.i wonder when i will be there 0154am in Irvine, California- eGG -
Safely reached States on 12 Dec. Been though the 15hrs flight, tired but happy, as is my 1st time to America! Viewing the beautiful land from the plane's windows. Im looking forward for my 1236am in Irvine, California- eGG -