Saturday, April 14, 2007

BUSY???Good Or Bad

is been a long period i have not post any entry...
the reason is im too
actually sometime 'speechless' to create any entry

Been quite busy this quarter year,
work, occassions, etcs

working late most of the time,
basically due to too much work loads,
partly because i have no other place to go after work,
so must well clear some of my loads.
thinking of it, i quite 'lifeless' compared to few years back
im i getting old or is it im tired of it?
i dont know and dont really bother...heee

I have quite alots of b'day ocassion on the 1st half of the year,
Dad, Aunties(JAN),
Mom, Auntie, Uncle(APR),
Buddy, Myself(MAY),
Aunties, Uncles(JUN)
but why am i so occupied,
cos it seem like everyone are so kin to celebrate their B'day this year.
this make me wonder...

anyway, im enjoying it and looking forward to the coming events

- eGG -

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