Friday, May 08, 2009

getting back on BLOG

Is been nearly a year since my last entry.

somehow i feel like writing somethg somewhere

have been a very dramatic year for me
and is quite hard for me to share everthg
probably for those which change me bit/lots

quit my job last Sept and started my own small setup with a fren
dealing with the new company wasnt easy,
my partner wasnt too familiar in this industry and i have to be his mentor
the main problem we facing was CAPITAL.
as we are dealing with corporate gifts, we have to pay upfront to our suppliers
its really a headache for us

i would say is quite a gd start for us
as is the 'low' period (bad economic)
so if we hit well enough
when the economic pick ups
our business will also follows
that what we plan and hope

frankly, i have to be very strong to help me carry on
sometime when the pressure hit me
im very depressed and wondering if i have made the right path of life
luckily some spiritual support was there when i need them

have a bad bad situation with my parent over a very very small issue not long ago
not going to elaborate further...
due to this incident, i have reliased what maybe the main cause of it

i. lack of communication
im quite a work-a-holic before, working till 9-10pm usually every weekdays
and i seldom have time for them, even just for dinner.
when im back home around 11pm after my meal,
my parent usually have already asleep by then.
during weekends, im back to office mostly to finish up my work for the week
and my parent have their own activities.
when time past, did really talk much even we have a chance

ii. generation gap
in this century, our thinking have been affected by alot of varies source
but to our elders, they are still in their 'time slot'
especially when u have stubborn parent i worst
they dont really see what u foresee and they sometime have objection on what u done.
not blaming them but just wish a little understanding
even i know they are out of care and concern
no matter know old u become
u are still a kid to them

communication and understanding stands an important element
in Family, Fren and Love relationship etc.

fortunately, i have more time now and catching back the bonding i have lost

i suppose this is the longest entry i have enter in my BLOG
i should be able to update my entries more frequently from now on

- eGG -

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