Friday, December 16, 2005

living standard

nowadays... lots of people are facing lots of problems
some refer as burdens...
the standrad of living keeps going up
but are all ready for it?
especially those low-income earners...
is very hard to cope with the living standard...
when is too much to handle
too high for them to survive...
is tat the way it should be
can it b avoided,
all everybody have to go thur it....

- eGG -

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

holiday season

everyone around me are going for holiday trip...
Japan, HongKong, Korea, blah blah blah...
how i wish that i can have my trip too...
but so many obstacles, so many burden, so many tots..
im still not getting anywhere....

- eGG -

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

cant be yours

knowing that she cant be yours
yet you still give your best effort to her
cause you are still hoping for the impossible...
is she that worth waiting for
or is just only one hand clapping...
the answer is always there
but is only that you are always running away from it...

- eGG -

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

play a game

i would like to play a game...
a game that requires more than one people
a game that requires an opposite sex
a game that requires alots of time
a game that requires commitments
a game that requires communication
a game that requires tolerance
a game that requires understanding
a game that requires attention
a game that requires patience
a game that requires forgiveness
a game that need care and concern
a game that from the bottom of your heart
a game that many think that they know how to play well

a game called L.O.V.E

- eGG -

Monday, December 05, 2005


sometimes when i look up to the sky
i asked myself in my heart
when im down, you cheered me with hopes
but when my hopes goes smooth
you start taking it away...
if you wanna take it away, why provide at the beginning
if you giving me the hope, why do you have to take it away
is it because that i dont deserve it?
or you regretted giving it to me?

maybe you are having good intention...
maybe you are training me to be a stonger person
whatever the reasons you may have
dont you think is too much at a time for me to take
is that the best way that you can train someone?
or that is the best way to torture me?

but i still have to thank you for giving it to me
whether the duration is long or short
cos i did gained some things from that
is all in my heart and memories...


- eGG -

Friday, December 02, 2005


it take years to build up confident
but it takes only a single incident to lose it
if you are lack of confident
everythings seem impossible to acheive
but when you are too confident
everything seem too easy for you...

- eGG -

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Back in Blogging...

Been so long without posting my Blog,
regardless if there no one viewing my Blog
i will still post whenever i have some tots...

- eGG -