Friday, December 16, 2005

living standard

nowadays... lots of people are facing lots of problems
some refer as burdens...
the standrad of living keeps going up
but are all ready for it?
especially those low-income earners...
is very hard to cope with the living standard...
when is too much to handle
too high for them to survive...
is tat the way it should be
can it b avoided,
all everybody have to go thur it....

- eGG -

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

holiday season

everyone around me are going for holiday trip...
Japan, HongKong, Korea, blah blah blah...
how i wish that i can have my trip too...
but so many obstacles, so many burden, so many tots..
im still not getting anywhere....

- eGG -

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

cant be yours

knowing that she cant be yours
yet you still give your best effort to her
cause you are still hoping for the impossible...
is she that worth waiting for
or is just only one hand clapping...
the answer is always there
but is only that you are always running away from it...

- eGG -

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

play a game

i would like to play a game...
a game that requires more than one people
a game that requires an opposite sex
a game that requires alots of time
a game that requires commitments
a game that requires communication
a game that requires tolerance
a game that requires understanding
a game that requires attention
a game that requires patience
a game that requires forgiveness
a game that need care and concern
a game that from the bottom of your heart
a game that many think that they know how to play well

a game called L.O.V.E

- eGG -

Monday, December 05, 2005


sometimes when i look up to the sky
i asked myself in my heart
when im down, you cheered me with hopes
but when my hopes goes smooth
you start taking it away...
if you wanna take it away, why provide at the beginning
if you giving me the hope, why do you have to take it away
is it because that i dont deserve it?
or you regretted giving it to me?

maybe you are having good intention...
maybe you are training me to be a stonger person
whatever the reasons you may have
dont you think is too much at a time for me to take
is that the best way that you can train someone?
or that is the best way to torture me?

but i still have to thank you for giving it to me
whether the duration is long or short
cos i did gained some things from that
is all in my heart and memories...


- eGG -

Friday, December 02, 2005


it take years to build up confident
but it takes only a single incident to lose it
if you are lack of confident
everythings seem impossible to acheive
but when you are too confident
everything seem too easy for you...

- eGG -

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Back in Blogging...

Been so long without posting my Blog,
regardless if there no one viewing my Blog
i will still post whenever i have some tots...

- eGG -

Monday, November 07, 2005

will be back...

Not in the mood to post anything...
seem like is been a week that i didnt...
used to do it everyday expect weekends...
sigh... to much thing bothering me... arrrrrr!!
but.....i will be back

- eGG -

Monday, October 31, 2005

short week???

is a short week to mi...
cause there onli 3 working days...
and the 2 holidays are alternate...
Cheers... can rest

- eGG -

Friday, October 28, 2005


feel lighter than before
not because i lose my weight...
is due to that i have let go some thoughts...
haha didnt realised that those thoughts weights...
anyway glad that i have drop it somewhere...

- eGG -

Thursday, October 27, 2005

do you agreed

sometime think about it...
been alone isnt bad afterall...
sometimes really better to be alone
especially when you need some personal time...
dont you agreed...

- eGG -

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

everything is fine

went for checkup today...
cause feeling aches everywhere recently...
kinda feeling weaker and weaker...
lucky everything is fine...

- eGG -

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

didnt sleep well...

dont know why... maybe didnt sleep well last night...
i have all body aches this morning... still feeling the pain now...

- eGG -

Monday, October 24, 2005

learn to let go...

certain things isnt better when you get it...
sometimes is better to lose it than getting it...
have you had this incident before...
why not keep those happy memories and you get to recall it at a later time...
sometimes something are meant to let go...
so we should learn how to let go...

- eGG -

Friday, October 21, 2005


is a friday morning...
some may be happy cause is weekend!
but to me is normal...
seriouly i dont have much activities during weekends
so i didnt really look forward to it...
that mi

- eGG -

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Always-Bon Jovi

"And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always"...

When he holds you close, when he pulls you near
When he says the words you've been needing to hear
I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine
To say to you till the end of time

Yeah, I will love you baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always

If you told me to cry for you
I could
If you told me to die for you
I would
Take a look at my face
There's no price I won't pay
To say these words to you"

somehow this song seem to say what im feeling now...
of couse not all of the words but most of it...
that something i wanna say to that special ones...
but just cant find a suitable time...
i may say, i might not...
depends on the chance given...

- eGG -

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

not easy...

as i have said earlier...
"enjoy the process...."
but is easier said than done...
can anyone really just enjoy the process of whatever matters?...
and really dont care of the result...
i wonder...

- eGG -

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


why is sleeping so important?
is it because it let your body rest...
or jus only you need sleep???...

- eGG -

Monday, October 17, 2005


L is for the way you LOOK at me...
O is for you the ONLY one...
V is very very very extraordinary...
E is never EVER let you go...
LOVE is you and me...

- eGG -

Friday, October 14, 2005

happy weekend

it seem like yesterday was only Monday...
without realise, is Friday already...
everyone out there, Happy Weekend!

- eGG -

Thursday, October 13, 2005

back to work...

had been tired for the last 2 days over event...
although is still working...
at least get to enjoyed it..YEAH!
but to office again... hoping for another one...
Fun over, back to normally work...

- eGG -

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


after a long day yesterday... tiredness is holding on me...
but nevertheless did somehow enjoyed the event
Got to overtake the tiredness cause
today is the last day of the event...

- eGG -

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

long day...

not feeling well today...maybe is the lack of sleep...
maybe is the virus passed to me by friend...
but i have a long day today and tomorrow...

- eGG -

Monday, October 10, 2005

a new week...

is a new week again!... a new Monday...
didnt post any Blog on friday due to heavy work loads...
will be very busy this week... hope i dont fall sick...

- eGG -

Thursday, October 06, 2005

enjoy the process...

watched a show last nite...
they quoted "Enjoy the process, result doesnt matter"
i felt it very meaningful...
sometime we are so bothered by whats the result...
and overlook the happiness we are going though...
infact will should enjoy it...

- eGG -

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


is a raining morning... so is mine feeling...
sometime i feel that the weather describes my feeling...
sometime rains, sometime cloudy, sometime stormy, sometime sunshine and sometime you get to see rainbows...

- eGG -

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

easy love???

loving someone is easy...
but to love each other isnt that easy as you think...
two person have to love at the same time and the right time...
shortage of any will make it hard to achieve...

- eGG -

Monday, October 03, 2005

silly love???

love is a very weird thing...
sometime you know that doing something isnt right at all
but you will still do it for that someone...
is love really that silly or is just that person giving is silly???
nobody know the actual answer and not all can really control it...
think somehow, someday that silly person will realise if it is worth for what had done...

- eGG -

Friday, September 30, 2005

looking forward...

end of the month... another month is over...
looking forward to a new year ahead after 3 more months...
hope my wish05 will come true within these months...

- eGG -

Thursday, September 29, 2005

on strike...

didnt sleep well last nite, so now abit blur blur...
my brain has go on a strike!... is not working...

- eGG -

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

keeping in touch...

went dinner and chit chatting last nite with friends...
have a few game of pool after that...

enjoyed the sessions once in awhile...
keeping in touch with friends and getting to know how their progress...

hope this kind of activities will carry on...

- eGG -

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

sick period???

it seem like the 'sick' period is here again...
everyone are getting weaker and falling sick...
including mi... sigh
everyone out there...get well soon...

- eGG -

Monday, September 26, 2005


is the last week of the month...
minutes and seconds just passes now and then...
so grab every seconds and use it carefully...
cause every seconds counts...

- eGG -

Friday, September 23, 2005


stress, stress, stress...everyone seem to be stressed everyday
sometime little stress is good... but too much will be hard to digest
for mi i treat stress as a challenge... some obstacle that block your path...
fight it, solve it, clear it and you will gain and excel...

- eGG -

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Somethings seem spinning in my mind
Probably is those matter that troubles mi
Is getting heavier and heavier
Not knowing what the actual cause
Not knowing what the solution
Is affecting mi from the start
Need to do something about it
Got to get it out of my mind...

- eGG -

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


is long since i went for a oversea holiday... how i miss those days
learning and exploring the culture... enjoying and relaxing in a different country...
most of all dont need to WORK...hee

- eGG -

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

bight side of life...

"always look on the bright side of life..."
this is the 1st sentence i heard on the radio this morning...
i totally agreed with it...
no matter how bad your day is...
alway look on the bright side of life...

- eGG -

Monday, September 19, 2005

Creativity Quote...

The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And the fact that it practically always doesn't, matters not a jot. The possibility is always there.
- Monica Baldwin -

- eGG -


slept late last nite but i dont feel as tired as it should be...
why is it so... i wonder...

- eGG -

Sunday, September 18, 2005


after watching a korean series last nite, i quite like the song lyrics...

"could i get your love...
is that really impossible...
i really cant get you...
out of my mind... "
- eGG -

Friday, September 16, 2005

dont wait...

She asked mi if i still have the same feeling for her... what should i say?
i know that i do but just that i dont a chance... should i say YES or NO...
i chosen YES as the answer as i feel that should let the person know that she/he is been love before is too late when you dont get the chances to say it...

Often people are afraid to let out their feeling...
keeping inside their heart...
till is too late, people start blaming that they didnt have the chance to say it.
So now, let the person you love knows what you are feeling..

no matter the result will turn out to be good or bad,
at least you let them know...

but saying doesnt mean anything...
some people said it but didnt work for it...
got to let them feel your loves...

- eGG -

slower please...

is friday again... but i have so much work to handle... think got to work overtime...
can time flies slower today....

- eGG -

Thursday, September 15, 2005

there a fire!...

was so sound asleep till rapid bangs on my house door around 2am... is our neighbour... was i went opened the door i would see that smokes are coming out from her windows... she told us there was a fire below... so we left our house in double quick time...
when we reach the void deck then we realised that a bike was on fire(lucky not anyone's house)...
in minutes SCDF and the Police came... fire put out by SCDF while Police were questioning and carry out investigation...

what a nite... but poor mi, i cant get to sleep after that... have to bear with the sleepyness and carry on working...

- eGG -

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

busy day...

today will be a busy day for mi... got to rush all pending jobs that come back yesterday evening before i knock off... why must it always be this situation?

- eGG -

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

better today...

nothing special yesterday... hopefully today will be better...

- eGG -

Monday, September 12, 2005


Is Monday... but somehow it doesnt seem like a Monday to mi...
i dont know why, is jus the way i feel it...
maybe im use to it or maybe im changing...

- eGG -

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Communication Quote...

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.
- Rachel Naomi Remen -

- eGG -

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Advice Quote...

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.
- Marcus Aurelius -

- eGG -

Friday, September 09, 2005

a faster friday...

Is friday again... this week seem faster than the week before...
but anyway got to enjoy the weekend ahead...
to anyone who read my Blog:
Have a Great WeekEnd!

- eGG -

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Recovery from fever and bad stomach... my body feel weak...
but glad that it recovered jus overnight... hope it dont come back

- eGG -

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

what a creature...

received an email yesterday about how a snail cross a bridge with pics supported... pretty amazing that a small little creature can be so 'talented'... if everyone have the thinking of this creature... i believe that most obstacles face will be solve... is the thinking you have and the determination...
- eGG -

Monday, September 05, 2005


feeling kind of lost... mind blank... abit weird too...
maybe is because is the beginning of the working week; Monday

- eGG -

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Feeling Quotes

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched ... but are felt in the heart.
- Helen Keller -

- eGG -

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Quote of the day...

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
- Martin Luther King, Jr -

- eGG -

Friday, September 02, 2005

got to enjoy...

Is Friday! last day of the working week for mi...
been quite tired on work, got to enjoy this weekend fully...
everyone out there... ENJOY!

- eGG -

Thursday, September 01, 2005

dont wait

"dont wait... do what you always wanted... till is to late"
- from a TV's Series preview -

- eGG -

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


is already Wednesday... recalling what i have done for the past 2 days
not very interesting... work, sleep, work , sleep....
hope i can have a more interesting days ahead...

- eGG -

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Raining day...

is a raining day...
today seem to be so peaceful, i dont know why
maybe is because of the rain or maybe is within mi...

- eGG -

Monday, August 29, 2005

start of the week...

is the beginning of the week again...
since i have wasted the previous week regainning my power
this week i gotta work hard...

- eGG -

Sunday, August 28, 2005

quote of the day...

My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny.
- Elaine Maxwell -

- eGG -

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Attitude Quotes...

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.
- M.Scott Peck -

- eGG -

Friday, August 26, 2005

learn to let go...

is love that hard to let go?
if you know the person you love dont have any feeling for you at all
will you still pester on...
why not learn to let go, both will be happy and friendships still remains...
if you cant be lover then be a good friend

- eGG -

Thursday, August 25, 2005

time flies...

i begin to realise that time really flies...
is already Thursday and it seem to mi like yesterday was onli Monday...
maybe is because that i jus found my plug to the power socket...

- eGG -

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


was on the bus going to work...and the bus was filled with noises by onli 3 young teenages
i was thinking why are young teenages nowadays cant behave like we use to be in out teenage times. i was somehow disappointed, is it due the education now or is jus the parents dont simply care...

- eGG -

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


what a tuesday!
when i was crossing the road to reach my work place, the rain suddenly pours...
i was almost soaked! What a day to start wif...
Wonder this rain was washing my bad luck or good ones...

- eGG -

Monday, August 22, 2005

Still OFF...

Back to work but realised that my brain is still OFF...
cant find the power ON button so what you expect mi to do...
hopefully my brain will self start...
- eGG -

Sunday, August 21, 2005

power off...

after 3 weeks of holiday camp, my brain is kinda power off...

today, im spent my day totally meaningless
nothing is been process in my mind...
thinking of going back to my stressed working life
i am speechless...

- eGG -

Saturday, August 20, 2005

keep my distances...

I knew that i dont stand a chance, so i kept my distances...
should i carry on or should i let go
will it be good or will it be not
it doesnt matters, cos is all i wanna do...
am i wasting my time or am i holding too tight
is jus the way i somehow reacted
maybe i should learn my lessons and stop the dream from going on...

- eGG -

Friday, August 19, 2005

ended or beginning...

finally my In Camp Training ended,
it isnt tough at all, as alot people did asked about it...
is more like a holiday camp to mi, at least im able to escape from my work stress.
spending the 3 weeks are so relaxing and enjoying...

BUT, Monday is the day i gotta face it again...hopefully i dont get much stress.
Good luck to mi!

- eGG -

Thursday, August 18, 2005


friendship; how do you measure it?
by years you known?
by how well you knew each other?
by how much you shared?
Or do you ever measured your friendship?

Maybe i should ask:
What is friendship...

- eGG -


looking out of my window, the sky is getting darker every seconds,
thinking by myself what have i done today...

morning:- 0933
did some cleaning and tidying up my room, helped on some housework...
chatting in MSN wif 2 friends...

noon:- 1200
still chatting wif my 2 friends...rubbishes are what we shared...

late noon:- 1600
jus ended my chat wif the same 2 friends...then watched some TV programmes
thinking of it, i jus wasted my time like that...*sigh
but afterall i should be resting and relaxing anyway, since i've been so stressed up by my job...

evening:- 1800
finished my dinner...watched some TV programmes
updating my Blog...

now what should i be doing next, at least for mi to spend my time more worthy...
think maybe i shall read a book and listen to the cds i jus bought 2 days ago...

- eGG -

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


She may be the onli one I ever need
Except that she is now wif another kidz
Loving her secretly was not that sweet
In my mind I have feel the heat
Not knowing of what she may thinks
Alone I stay and continue my dream...

- eGG -

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Went though one of my buddies Blog ( Find it kinda interesting specially when you are too bored, did bring back some of the memories he mentioned... keep it up bro!

Should say he was the 1st few who intro mi to Blog and even ask mi to create mine. At that time, i was thinking what am i going to post on my Blog? and i quite weak in my language... Is been more than a yr he intro mi to Blog... now i feel it quite useful, especially when you have nothing to do and too much time to spare. The most important was that i can let out anything even when there is no one there to lend a ear.

Now im using this Blog to share how i feeling towards things that around mi- loves, friendships, personal... indeed is a good way to release some stress. The onli things is how often will i update my post...

- eGG -


Have you ever been blame on something you have never done by your most trusted & most cared person?? How do you feel...are you disappointed...? are you hurt...?

It really HURTS... someone you care & trust,someone you shared wif what you have, someone you known for more than 10 over yrs, someone you helped whenever he is in need, someone you treat him as your sibling, your brother...yet due to a small matter, he blame you!

You helped him when he say he needed helps for wooing a gal... he needed someone to entertain the gal's friends, he needed someone to make the time spent interesting... You didnt mind been a 'light bulb' between them, you didnt mind been a extra player, you didnt mind been a clown of the day, you didnt mind he remembered you when his gal was not there for him... jus becos he is your buddy, your brother...

When they had misunderstanding, you are always there to clear the doubt... When they have problems, you are always there to solve it for them... When they have quarrels, you are always there to be the middleman... When they have complaints wif each other, you are always there to lend them your ears...

You have done so much... but what have you benefits? Nothing, simply nothing... is all becos he is your brother...

But ended up you are blamed! Blamed that your words are too convincing,too powerful, leading his gal dont trust him, dont believe him... Is it the way it should be?

I dont understand... you dun need him to appreciate what you have done for him but why are you been blamed when something goes wrong?

Will you forgive him if he asked someone else to apologise on his behalf? Will your relationship wif him still be as good as before? Will you pretend that nothing have happened? Will you jus walk away quietly?

- eGG -

Monday, August 15, 2005


Talkin to you made my life fill wif joy...
Missing you fills up my emptyness mind.
Letting you go hurts mi deep rite down...
But i still gotta let you leaves.
Cos I know you dun belong to mi...

you will come back if u belong to mi

- eGG -

Sleepless NiteZ

The sound of the nite sky reminds mi that i'm alone by myself thinking of you... the crickets laugh at mi secretly and the nite breezes blow chilled wind to accompany mi, even the mosquitoes do their part by attacking and flying around mi. Why? Why am i always having sleepless nites? Am i torturing myself or heaven playing games on mi...
i will try to sleep again...

- eGG -

let mi dream on

Something always wonder in my mind,
If that is you, i dont mind.
Lying on the beach in the nite,
Looking up on the dark dark sky,
You appeared beauitfully wif the stars.
Emotionally feeling so sweet from the start,
Gracefully moving closer for mi to touch,
Goes on and on, dont let my dreams stops...

- eGG -

Sunday, August 14, 2005

NewBie in the Blog!

I'm a newbie here so dun expect too much from me.
Hope i will improve day by day with the help from others.

- eGG -